
Women in Iran: In The Cocoon

Masumeh and Romina are just two girls from Iran whose fate you and I heard about. “In the cocoon” is written for all women of whose fate in a country with women-destroying laws we should all know about.

Fotograf*in: Gabriela Tamara Cycman on unsplash

In December 2022 17-year-old Masumeh was killed by her father who had forced her to get married while still a minor, during the ongoing feminist revolution in Iran. Her father confessed to the murder of his daughter to police without any delay. He knows that in the Islamic Republic of Iran he will not receive the death penalty for the murder of his daughter, in contrast to other murder cases in Iran. His penalty consists of paying bloodmoney to those who could have inherited from childless 17-year-old Masumeh.

After Romina Ashrafi, a thirteen-year-old Iranian girl, was decapitated with a scythe by her own father, he knew he had made a decision without consequences after talking to his lawyer. Romina had fled her home because she did not want to get married. Police found her and returned her to her father even though she described the situation to them. After that, her father cut off her head with a scythe.


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Sorour war 16 als sie in Deutschland ankam. Die ersten zwei Jahre in Deutschland wohnte sie in mehreren Flüchtlingsunterkünften. Dort beobachtete sie das Unglück anderer Flüchtlinge, die aus verschiedenen Ecken dieser Welt in Deutschland Schutz suchten. Dass die anderen Menschen genau wie sie unter Heimatlosigkeit leiden und jeden Tag ein Stück von ihrer Identität verlieren, versetzte sie in tiefe Melancholie. Sie sah, wie schamlos Deutschland und andere europäischen Länder die Asylsuchenden abschieben und durch Europa treiben. Alle Herausforderungen, die die Geflüchteten in Deutschland und auf der Flucht haben, tragen dazu bei, dass sie heute Literatur als eine Form des Ausdrucks nutzt, um über das ganze Elend zu berichten.
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