
Worlds growing apart

Fifteen years ago, Valeria came together with her brother, her mother, and her stepfather to Germany. Her father and her extended family still live in Ecuador. Keeping in touch has always been difficult. Skype and Whatsapp calls are part of her everyday life, but sometimes it needs more than an app to nurture closeness and love.

Fotograf*in: Hände_growing apart_nadine-shaabana-ypyaaEf2ntM-unsplash

As I held my phone uncomfortably in front of my face, I looked at my grandmother sitting on her porch on the other side of the planet. She was wearing a hat and the colors of her flowered blouse seemed pale under the sun. Her sumptuous sunglasses covered her eyes. And the smile I have memorized during the million times we have skyped felt fake. It was Mother’s Day, and my mother was spending hers in Bonn with my stepfather, far away from my grandmother, who lives in Quito (Ecuador).

My grandmother asked me how I was doing. And I must have looked awful because an hour after our conversation, she was writing with my mother full of worry about my mental health. She remembered a more cheerful person behind her phone screen, but instead of voicing her concerns during our conversation, she complimented my new haircut. It has been hard keeping the communication open these days. Even harder to keep it honest. The technologies that were supposed to keep our relationships alive are failing us. As I caught a glimpse of my grandfather, aunt, uncle, and cousin who joined our skype session on that sunny day, I yearned for their presence and the closeness we used to share.


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Deine kohero-Redaktion

Kategorie & Format
Valeria kommt aus Ecuador und wohnt in Hamburg. Sie ist Kriminologin und arbeitet zurzeit als Sozialpädagogin in der Drogenhilfe. Das Schreiben ist für sie sowohl ein Rückzugsort, als auch ein Weg ihre Erlebnisse als Migrantin in Deutschland aufzuzeichnen. „Ich habe lange nach einer Plattform wie Kohero gesucht, für die keine Geschichte zu unwichtig ist und BIPoC Stimmen Gehör finden können. Die Erfahrungen im Schreibtandem und die Unterstützung meiner Tandempartnerin haben mich dazu ermutigt weiter zu schreiben.“
Kohero Magazin