
Women in Afghanistan: About Human Rights and Dreams

After the overthrow of the government in Afghanistan, Taliban regime has had a devastating impact on the lives of Afghan women and girls. New rules and regulations are constantly being introduced, systematically oppressing them. #StandWithWomenInAfghanistan

Women in Afghanistan
Fotograf*in: Isaak Alexandre Karslian on Unsplash

Afghan Women after 15th August 2021: Collapse of women rights and so their dreams #StandWithWomenInAfghanistan

Taliban rule has devastatingly worsened the situation of women in Kabul and most provinces. The women feel like prisoners. They do not dare to leave their homes, have difficult access to education, work as well as health facilities. Their freedom of movement, expression and association is restricted.

The women are deprived of their basic rights for livelihood and their identity is lost in the society. The women and girls had big dreams, especially those who were studying and getting education. Different laws have been introduced for the women and girls. Women are getting omitted slowly from the public, economic and politic sphere of the society. The government’s ministry of women affairs has been replaced by a ministry from propagation of virtue and prevention of vice. In the cabinet of Taliban there is no women representation.

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Sahar Reza
Sahar kommt aus Afghanistan und hat ihre Kindheit in Pakistan verbracht. Ihr Studium der  hat sie in Indien und Hamburg (Master Politik- und europäischen Rechtswissenschaft) absolviert. Sie hat im Management und im Journalismus gearbeitet. Seit langem setzt sie sich für Menschenrechte (besonders Frauen-, Kinder- und Flüchtlingsrechte) ein. Für kohero (früher Flüchtling-Magazin) ist sie seit 2017 aktiv. “Ich arbeite für das kohero-Magazin, weil das Magazin mir eine Stimme gibt und ich habe die Möglichkeit, über verschiedene Themen zu schreiben und kann in meinem Arbeitsbereich Journalismus in Deutschland weiterarbeiten und aktiv sein.”
Kohero Magazin