
The universal language of chocolate  

In 2012 the Hadhad Family fled from Syria to Canada. After a while, almost overnight, they rebuilt their family business, a chocolate factory. Meanwhile Tareq Hadhad leads a big chocolate business. In this interview he tells us his story and about his passion for chocolate.

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When the Hadhad family arrived in Canada, they had almost nothing left. The war in Syria had caused them to lose family members, their home and their chocolate factory. But just a few weeks after arriving in the small town of Antigonish, the family started making chocolate again in their kitchen, delighting the local community. Today, six years later, Tareq Hadhad runs a fast-growing chocolate factory. He told us the remarkable story of his life.


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Porträt Hannah Lesch
Hannah Lesch ist freie Journalistin und schreibt am liebsten über Lösungen. Dafür besuchte sie zum Beispiel Klimaaktivist:innen in Tansania, filmte Nacktmulle im Labor und sprach mit jungen und alten Menschen über den Tod. Sie studiert im Master Digitale Kommunikation an der HAW Hamburg.
Kohero Magazin