
The fighter jet came, and then I died

It's been 8 years but every time I see an airplane in the sky, everything comes back to me. I am afraid of airplanes, regardless of whether they are combat or civil aircraft. I have been living in Germany for 6 years but have never dared to get on a plane and travel with it.

Das Kampfflugzeug kam - und dann, ich starb
Fotograf*in: jeff-cooper on unsplash

Time vanquishes everything. It vanquishes the stone, the huge mountains and even the people, but it can never defeat memories. That is our curse as humans, never to be able to forget our worst memories. We are forced to accept these memories and embrace them as part of us.

2013, Raqqa, Syria: a quite normal morning

A few months ago, our city has been liberated from the brutal government. It did not last very long, as it was in other cities in Syria, for opposition forces to take over the city. We thought we were finally free, but for the Assad regime, freedom is a great sin and decided never to leave us alone.


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