
No Syrian identity without shared memories

Over ten years after the Syrian revolution I ask myself: How has Syrian society changed after all these years, and which dreams have we realised? How does this affect the Syrian identity? And what do I wish for in the future?

Syrian identity
Fotograf*in: kohero Magazin

FB: Over ten years after the Syrian revolution: Hussam asks himself how Syrian society has changed after all these years and how this affects the Syrian identity today? And he tells us what his wishes are for the future.

“We dared to dream and will not regret the dignity” – many Syrians adorned their profile pictures on Facebook with this quote by an Arabic poet to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the Syrian revolution. The quote was made prominent when Oscar-nominated film maker Waad al-Kateab wore it embroidered onto her pink dress that she wore to the 2020 Oscar celebration on the red carpet.


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