
No news from the EU border

While the world is looking at Ukraine and the EU welcomes people fleeing war there with enormous solidarity, there are still refugees in the border region of Poland and Belarus. About the situation on the ground, criminalization of helpers and human suffering.

Fotograf*in: Grupa Granica

There was a lot of attention when more and more people tried to cross into the EU autumn last year. But with the Belarusian military behind them and Polish border guards in front of them, there is no way forward. Helpless, sleepless and partly traumatized, they are still stuck in the forests – still there has been hardly any reporting for months.

„Few of our doctors knew what to do at the beginning because they had no experience with it.“

„Almost always, the first thing all aid workers had to learn was how to treat it,“ Ana* says. Her too. What is meant is an immersion foot, also called trench foot, which is actually known from the First and Second World Wars or from times when the USA was at war in Vietnam. Days and weeks, kilometers covered, in the same soggy shoes – bacteria and fungi nest in the damp tissue and smaller wounds. This leads to serious infections and, in the worst case, death.

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Louisa lebt und arbeitet in Hamburg. Neben der Frage, was Gruppen vulnerabler oder widerstandsfähiger macht als andere, der sie sich auch beruflich widmet, fragt und wundert sie sich immer wieder, was Grenzen und damit verbunden „Ausgrenzung“ bedeuten – gesellschaftlich, geopolitisch, kulturell. „kohero schafft und lebt einen Kontext, der Grenzen – als Gegenpole zum interkulturellen Zusammenleben – permanent hinterfragt, im positiven Sinn überschreitet und dies vielschichtig in den öffentlichen Diskurs einbringt. Daran möchte ich mich beteiligen.“
Kohero Magazin