
The Adivasi: left behind with hard work

When men migrate to work abroad, their wives and kids are left behind. A photo essay about women fighting for a new perspective.

Adivasi, like other ethnic groups indigenous to India, stand outside the caste system and live excluded lives in poverty. In the second half of the last century they were moved out from their natural environment, the forests. The reason was deforestation. People gave them the least fertile soil to grow their crops. How to survive? Migrate. Adivasi men migrate circularly to the more industrial state of Gujarat or abroad to work in difficult conditions and for very little money. They leave their wives behind, in remote villages, with little joy, but lots of work to do every day.

Women Who Stay ist a long-term, global, slow journalism project by Magdalena and Noel Rojo. A journalist from Slovakia and Mexican-American photographer collect stories of women left behind in their places of origin while their male counterparts migrate. They have brought complex stories from four continents.

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Kategorie & Format
Magdalena Rojo ist eine Journalistin aus der Slowakei, Noel Rojo ist Fotograf und mexikanisch-amerikanischer Herkunft. Gemeinsam sammeln sie Geschichten von Frauen, die in ihren Herkunftsorten zurückbleiben, während ihre männlichen Partner migrieren.
Kohero Magazin