
Judaism – Escaping victimhood

Rebecca Rogowski is a religious Jew and a political activist. Early on in her life, she realized that because of being Jewish she is treated differently. Born and raised in Berlin, she first visited a primary school and then a public High School. As a teenager, she there already got the feeling of not being seen as an individual.

Decke der Synagoge in Grodno

“Tikun Olam” means “the repair of the world” in Hebrew and describes a principle from the early periods of rabbinical Judaism. According to this, justice lies in the hands of us human beings. It is your own responsibility to form the world as you wish it to be.

Rebecca Rogowski

For the 24 years old law student Rebecca Rogowski, this is the guiding principle that influences her actions and inspires her to become politically active.

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Porträt von Izel Truong
Izel ist in Hamburg geboren und aufgewachsen. Schon immer begeistert sie sich für politische Themen und erfreut sich daran, diese kreativ aufzuarbeiten. „Das kohero-Magazin ermöglicht es mir für Toleranz und Zusammenarbeit einzustehen und so einen kleinen Beitrag für eine offenere Gesellschaft zu leisten.“
Kohero Magazin