
How war united us

Tareq Hadhad has been living in Canada since 2016 and successfully runs a chocolate factory there. It is called "Peace by Chocolate”. His family has been making chocolates and other specialties for several generations, but in 2012 the war destroyed their large headquarters in the Syrian capital Damascus. We spoke with Tareq Hadhad about war, loss and confidence.

Peace by Chocolate
Fotograf*in: Ahmed Zalabany on Unsplash

I guess you read the news about Ukraine and the war in Europe. Do you have thoughts on that?

I honestly feel heartbroken. It was really devastating to see people fleeing their homes and leaving everything behind, being stuck in traffic jam. To see them trying to leave their homeland that they were born in, that they lived in for their entire lives.
War doesn’t give you warning, it does not wait for you, it is not merciful. And I always said: War did not accomplish anything in Syria or Iraq or Afghanistan or during the World War II or before, or after it. War is the most heartbreaking event that can happen to anyone. And it’s the most aggressive kind of events that can happen to any human beings.

My prayers are with the people of Ukraine. I know that the war won’t accomplish anything for the invaders. And I know that people of Ukraine are resilient, are strong and they will certainly come out of this much stronger, but my prayers are for those who are yearning for peace around the world today and every day.


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Porträt Hannah Lesch
Hannah Lesch ist freie Journalistin und schreibt am liebsten über Lösungen. Dafür besuchte sie zum Beispiel Klimaaktivist:innen in Tansania, filmte Nacktmulle im Labor und sprach mit jungen und alten Menschen über den Tod. Sie studiert im Master Digitale Kommunikation an der HAW Hamburg.
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