
German Media for Ukrainians

More than a million people were forced to flee shortly after the Russian attack on Ukraine, lots of which are coming to Germany: Between March 24 and 28 alone, the Federal Ministry of the Interior registered nearly 300,000 entries of Ukrainians. We want to make it easier for refugees to arrive in Germany and have therefore compiled a list of various offers aimed at people in Germany who fled from Ukraine.

Photo by Bank Phrom on Unsplash
Fotograf*in: Bank Phrom on Unsplash

Arriving in Germany

The German government launched the website which provides information for refugees from Ukraine. On Instagram, funk launched How to Deutschland. It is a page which publishes tips for Ukrainians upon arrival in Germany. Furthermore, the newspaper Kölner Stadtanzeiger launched the site Willkommen in Köln which provides information in Ukrainian, Russian and German. This website is mainly directed at Ukrainian refugees arriving in Cologne. However one can also find general information as sample forms for German authorities and vocabulary for learning German.

Handbook Germany, an information platform aimed at refugees, provides another, comprehensive service. That gives low-threshold answers to important questions. It touches on topics such as housing, children, benefits from the state or studying. In addition, there are resources for volunteers who want to help or temporarily host people from Ukraine. The service is available in German, English and Ukrainian.


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