
France: Police violence towards migrants and journalists

In 2020, police behavior related to refugees’ and migrants' issues in European countries was harshly criticised, as a number of incidents against people on the move were reported. At the same time, journalists reporting from the ground were prevented from documenting their realities and, at times, prosecuted for doing their job.

In our cross-border cooperation we report from France, Germany and Greece.

Calais – largest slum in Europe

Police violence against migrants is not new to 2020. It was first highly publicized in Calais. This city in the North of France is a compulsory transit zone for people leaving for Great Britain. Calais became the largest „slum in Europe“ in 2016, before falling off the map in recent years.


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Laure ist französische Fotoreporterin und arbeitet für das Magazin Guiti News und die Fotoagentur Hans Lucas. Als selbstständige Fotografin ist sie für Libération, La Croix und Ouest-France tätig. Sie ist auf das Themenfeld Migration und Mittlerer Osten spezialisiert.
Kohero Magazin