
Auf Englisch


Worlds growing apart

As I held my phone uncomfortably in front of my face, I looked at my grandmother sitting on her porch on the other side of the planet. She was wearing

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Decke der Synagoge in Grodno

Judaism – Escaping victimhood

“We Jewish people are always reduced to the role of the victim. We have to be “protected”. But I don’t want to be protected by people that only see me as a victim”, says Rebecca Rogowski.

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Das Kampfflugzeug kam - und dann, ich starb

The fighter jet came, and then I died

Time vanquishes everything. It vanquishes the stone, the huge mountains and even the people, but it can never defeat memories. That is our curse as humans, never to be able to forget our worst memories. We are forced to accept these memories and embrace them as part of us.

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Hijab is not an obstacle – it is a sign of self-confidence.

„Every woman has the right to live freely and to wear the clothes she feels comfortable with,“ says our author, the 24-years old Shilan Ahmad from Syria. There are Muslims who wear Hijab and Muslims who prefer to wear their hair down. Shila Ahmad herself wears her Hijab with complete conviction and freedom.

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France: Police violence towards migrants and journalists

Police violence against migrants is not new to 2020. It was first highly publicized in Calais. This city in the North of France is a compulsory transit zone for people leaving for Great Britain. Calais became the largest „slum in Europe“ in 2016, before falling off the map in recent years.

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Kohero Magazin