
Auf Englisch

Braucht man einen Pass aus dem Heimatland, um die Aufenthaltserlaubnis zu verlängern? Foto: Hussam Al Zaher

How can I get a passport?

Question: “With regards to the following facts, my question is, whether I have any possibility to get a so-called blue passport? About Myself Salam, schön, dass du da bist! Wenn

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Can I use my story?

Are refugees allowed to use their story to advertise something or to raise funds? Is this morally acceptable? Hussam explores these questions critically.

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The universal language of chocolate  

In 2012 the Hadhad Family fled from Syria to Canada. After a while, almost overnight, they rebuilt their family business, a chocolate factory. Meanwhile Tareq
Hadhad leads a big chocolate business. In this interview he tells us his story and about his passion of chocolate.

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