
Diplomats of Color – Towards more diversity in the Federal Foreign Office

Diplomat Tiaji Sio launched the "Diplomats of Color" (DoC) initiative at the Federal Foreign Office in 2019. In this interview, she talks about her role models, working in different locations and the new DIVERSITRY network.

Fotograf*in: Genia Loginova

Tiaji Sio is a diplomat. In mid-2019, the 24-year-old launched the „Diplomats of Color“ (DoC) initiative at the Federal Foreign Office. Now the DIVERSITRY network has emerged from what started as an internal advocacy group. The network is committed to an overarching diversity strategy in all federal ministries, given that BIPoC are still underrepresented there – especially at management level.

It is 10 a.m. in Germany as we meet for a Zoom interview. For our interviewee Tiaji Maynell Sio, it’s already three in the afternoon. She is currently in Vietnam, where the 24-year-old works in the economic department at the German embassy in Hanoi.

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Clara Bettenworth
Clara studiert Politikwissenschaft an der Uni Hamburg und macht gerne Sport, vor allem Handball. Ihre größte Leidenschaft sind aber schon immer Worte gewesen. Am liebsten lernt sie in Gesprächen neue Leute kennen, um diese zu portraitieren. Denn: „Hinter jedem Menschen steht eine inspirierende Geschichte. Kohero bietet den Raum, damit diese Geschichten gelesen und gehört werden.“
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