
Climate justice is social justice

Dante believes that the fight against the climate crisis and against social inequality go together. He is involved in the Locals United project of the Bundjugend for climate justice and intersectional climate activism. Anna from our editorial team spoke with him.

Dante mit Lea und Fred von Locals United.
Fotograf*in: Dante

„There is no thing as a single-issue struggle because we do not live single-issue lives.” This is how Black activist and writer Audre Lorde summed up the situation in a speech in 1992. Meaning: There is no struggle that fights only one problem. Because in life, problems are not isolated from each other. Can you put this quote into context for us?

Many of the societal challenges we are facing today are interconnected. That means we also have to connect them to each other while fighting them. That is also the issue regarding climate justice. Climate justice means that in the end we connect fights against the climate crisis with fights for social justice.

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Anna ist zum Jurastudium aus Bayern nach Hamburg gezogen. Nebenbei arbeitet sie in einer Stiftung zu Themen des gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalts.
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Anna ist zum Jurastudium aus Bayern nach Hamburg gezogen. Nebenbei arbeitet sie in einer Stiftung zu Themen des gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalts.
Kohero Magazin