
Bacha Bazi” – The Dark Truth

In Afghanistan, boys are abused by influential men and kept as their sex slaves. The "Bacha Bazi" is forbidden, but it is never prosecuted. Thus, forced prostitution is still a reality in some parts of Afghanistan today.

Eine Sepia-Fotografie mit erwachsenen Männern und Bacha Bazi
Fotograf*in: Tristoc via Flickr

In this article, I would like to write about an important issue that affects children in Afghanistan. It is about the practice of “Bacha Bazi.” Translated from Persian, it means “boy’s play.” The term refers to a situation in which an older man engages in sexual acts with underage youth or young boys. These acts are still practiced in Central Asia today and are emblematic of a dark side of Afghan society: violence against children. Unfortunately, very little attention is paid to the issue and the Afghan government has been sweeping it under the rug for decades. Children have their childhood stolen from them and are forced to live as sex slaves and prostitutes.

“Bacha Bazi,” translation from Persian: Bacha “child; boy” and Bazi “game”, meaning “boy’s game”

The boys abused for “Bacha Bazi” are usually between eight and ten years old. In most cases, they are kidnapped or come from poor families who need money and sell the boys. The man who kidnaps them is henceforth their owner and the child must do what he says. The “Bacha Bazi” is usually practiced in a certain way: Men force the boys to dress up as women and dance at events. They have to have long hair or wear a wig. They put on makeup, wear anklets with bells. Some also have to wear fake breasts. The event ends with sexual acts.

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Sahar Reza
Sahar kommt aus Afghanistan und hat ihre Kindheit in Pakistan verbracht. Ihr Studium der  hat sie in Indien und Hamburg (Master Politik- und europäischen Rechtswissenschaft) absolviert. Sie hat im Management und im Journalismus gearbeitet. Seit langem setzt sie sich für Menschenrechte (besonders Frauen-, Kinder- und Flüchtlingsrechte) ein. Für kohero (früher Flüchtling-Magazin) ist sie seit 2017 aktiv. “Ich arbeite für das kohero-Magazin, weil das Magazin mir eine Stimme gibt und ich habe die Möglichkeit, über verschiedene Themen zu schreiben und kann in meinem Arbeitsbereich Journalismus in Deutschland weiterarbeiten und aktiv sein.”
Kohero Magazin